
Course: Certified Usui Reiki Level 2  - Practitioner
When: Saturday 20th July  - Sunday 21st July
Where: Hertford
Investment: £295 

During the two days, we will also cover:

  • Animal/Nature Healing
  • Sacred symbols
  • The 3 pillars of Reiki
  • Distant healing
  • Starting your own Reiki practice

The second degree brings new possibilities after learning the sacred Reiki symbols. It enhances the practitioner's vibratory frequency, increasing psychic abilities and strengthening and focusing the energy during a treatment. Through best practice and self-reflection, students will gain confidence to work safely when treating others. 

Course: Certified Usui Reiki Level 1
When: Saturday 5th October -  Sunday 6th October 2024
Where: Hertford
Investment: £195 

During the two days, we will also cover:

  • The Reiki Principles
  • Grounding and Protection
  • Energetic Model of Health, Disease and Cure©
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Aura sensing

All students will take part in lots of hands-on sessions as this is where the magic happens. This is a wonderful way to start your healing journey and to understand more about how your energy shows up in the world. 

Usui Reiki Level 1

Workshop: Manifestation Acceleration Technique
When: (this is run on an interest-only basis, please contact me directly)
Where: Hertford
Duration: 9.00 am - 5 pm
Investment: £123

During this one-day workshop, we will: 

  • Explore places where you have not yet dared to ask for your dreams.
  • Identify and work with the 4 main archetypes that cause self-sabotage
  • Affirm to the Universe, that which you are formally asking for.
  • Recognise and clear energetic blocks
  • Be able to use the four cycles of breath appropriately, confidently and safely
  • Access the deep longing of your heart

This is an interactive workshop where all students will participate in several practical sessions.