
Breath4Life™ Breathwork is a powerful and effective process that has profound results. It is the quickest way to access your emotional clutter using subconscious connected breathing. 

The intensity of this technique uses continuous circular breaths, which help release unresolved issues and suppressed emotions.

Breath4Life™ Breathwork bypasses the ego, and in doing so, you are taken on a journey to breathe anything that you have been afraid of, or not felt safe to feel.

This is an action-orientated therapy and NOT a relaxation technique.

Every session generates healing, knowledge, and wisdom that is specific to you and your well-being. You will always have control during the process and can stop at any time.

This specific type of breathwork can assist with: 

  • Emotional or physical trauma
  • Injury                                                      
  • Toxicity
  • Nutritional depletion
  • Anxiety
  • Destructive lifestyle and relationships
  • Neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others
  • Childhood traumas
  • Cultural conditioning
  • Limited belief system
  • Addiction

What happens during a session?

First, you have the choice to speak about what is going on in your life that you may need help with. I use Holistic Coaching alongside breathwork which is a great partnership.

This may only be around 15 minutes and it is entirely your choice about how much you would like to talk.

You then lie on the floor, with covers and a pillow and start breathing. I will show you how to do this during the consultation. You will hear my voice to coach you (but not engage in conversation with you) and music playing.

The session can last up to one and a half hours of breathing with an integration period afterwards. This allows the energy to realign in the body and ensures that you are grounded before leaving.

This specific breathing technique can often bring hidden feelings to the surface and you may experience quite an emotional shift. This can be quite a relief but may not make sense in your mind, therefore you should always give yourself time off afterwards for processing.

Is it yogic breathing, like Pranayama?

No. Breath4life™ Breathwork is a therapy in its own right. There are lots of breathing exercises used in yoga which bring the mind to focus on the breath but Breath4life™ Breathwork is different. It is breathing into the body with the intent to access the unresolved issues and emotions and with the help of a guide, to safely release them.

I have seen many breathing techniques classed as ‘breathwork’ so it can be quite confusing. It depends on what results you would like to see. This type of breathwork is an action-based therapy. If you are considering trying any type of breathwork I would advise you to learn how the practitioner has used the therapy in their own life, what results have been achieved and what support is available moving forward.  

Can I do this on my own?

It is not recommended to try this type of breathwork by yourself as it may cause emotional ‘stuckness’ which can lead to more feelings of overwhelm and disconnection. 

This therapy is best experienced by a qualified Breath4life™ Breathwork practitioner. All practitioners who have studied this type of breathwork have gone through rigorous, intense training and have been using it in their own lives for many years. There is more to the process than just ‘breathing’. All practitioners know how to safely hold space for people who can experience a plethora of emotions during a session. Some of which can be quite surreal.

What type of music do you use?

The music has been carefully selected by tuning into the vibration of the track. It is not a random playlist. There is an intuitive process to undertake when I select the type of music used in a session.

How often should I have a Breathwork session?

It all depends on how much you want to move from suffering to freedom.

If you have behaviours that are not serving you, habits that are out of control or you want inner peace, then this therapy is for you. For severe cases, I recommend once a week until there is some form of balance. There is always the opportunity to have one once a month as a top-up, but it all boils down to how much work you would like to do.

If you are serious about bringing positive changes to your life, facing your shadows, and fully committed to helping your SELF, then don’t waste another minute. Book your session now.

Investment - £90

Please allow 2 hours. 

If you would like to work with this therapy regularly and dive deeper into self-development, I offer a discounted rate for multiple bookings, plus mentorship for the highest transformative experience. To find out more, let’s talk.